Travellers Need Your Help

Join the fastest growing network for helping travellers around the world when they’re sick or injured.

headline image of excited travellers at the airport for worry-free travel with travel insurance
traveller tracking

Have a passion to help?

Our passion is helping travellers stay safe. Sitata provides travellers around the world with health and safety advice plus insurance, and we connect them through their mobile devices to qualified practitioners who can help them when they need it.

Help Travellers Before, During, and After Their Trip

The Sitata platform can also be used for travel medicine consultations. Travellers can connect to you and your practice for pre-travel advice and for consultations upon their return – either at your office or virtually.

24/7/365 easy chat assistance

How It Works

I’m really not feeling good. Huge headache and I just threw up. Can anyone please help me?

Cindy isn’t feeling well. She doesn’t know if it’s because of the questionable sushi she had for lunch or maybe something worse. She uses the Sitata mobile application to see if there are any practitioners that can help her.

Cindy’s question is sent to all available local doctors for a response. She’ll be notified whenever someone answers her, and after browsing all responses she can book an appointment (telemed, clinic, or housecall) with the doctor of her choice.

Created with Raphaël 2.2.0

Each doctor in the SITATA response network has a profile that provides travellers with their background, qualifications, and telemed, clinical or housecall (optional) rates. You simply offer your availability and consultation type and then Cindy can pick what she’s most comfortable with. After the appointment, Cindy’s payment is automatically transferred to your bank account.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the cost to participate?

Nothing! Sitata does not charge any fees to participate. Instead, Sitata applies a service fee to the traveller in addition to the prices you have set.

Does Sitata follow privacy and data protection regulations?

Yes. Sitata is HIPAA, HITECH, PIPEDA, and GDPR compliant, among others.

Who sets the prices?

You do! As a practitioner on our platform, you set your own pricing for your appointments. At the present time, prices are for initial consultation only.

Do I have to perform telemedicine?

No. You do not have to perform telemedicine to participate in the network. You set your own options and pricing. e.g. You can offer clinic or housecall consultations when it makes sense to do so.

How do I collect payment?

Before an appointment is created, Sitata will pre-charge the traveller’s credit card to ensure funds are available. After the appointment is completed, Sitata can transfer funds to you. We currently support instant fund transfers to more than 32 countries. For others, we can perform electronic transfers with some delay.

Do I need an app?

No. Although travellers are using our mobile application, you do not need an app to participate.

What do you need from me?

To be approved on the Sitata network, we will require proof of person and licensure.

Help travllers in their time of need

Join hundreds of doctors around the world and help travellers when they need it the most.