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Derfor skal du tage din anti-malariamedicin

10. september 2024

Derfor skal du tage din anti-malariamedicin

People travel to places where you can still get malaria, and some remember to get some anti-malaria medication for their trip. Some people even remember to take the prescribed medication. When coupled with simple steps to reduce the number of mosquito bites, you can have a pretty worry free trip. But when you don’t get anti-malaria medication, you will either be lucky and not get malaria or unlucky and get really sick.

A patient at a major hospital in Hong Kong is an example of what can happen. This 40-year-old patient went to the emergency room after returning from a trip abroad. The patient had a cough, fever, sore throat and muscle aches. Although she was asked about possible travel, she did not reveal that she had been in Ghana for about 10 days before she returned home and got sick. Without this information, the doctors diagnosed her as having an upper respiratory tract infection (a common cold).

After a short time at home, she returned with stomach pain, vomiting and blood in her urine. Blood tests showed there were problems with her liver, and she was admitted to the hospital. At this time, the travel history came to light. However, by the afternoon of her admission, she became unconscious because of swelling in her brain. She had cerebral (brain) malaria. Anti-malaria treatment was started, but she remained in critical condition.

Kan det ske for dig? Ja, det kan det. Selv om det ikke er et meget almindeligt problem blandt rejsende, sker det for folk, der vender tilbage til deres hjemland efter at have været udsat for malaria uden at tage de rette forholdsregler.

Lad det ikke ske for dig! Spil ikke med på oddsene! Når du rejser til malariaområder, skal du tage de rigtige forholdsregler, herunder at tage anti-malariamedicin omhyggeligt.

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