At this time, Sitata has identified and communicated with all travellers affected by the events that are occurring. If you are planning to travel to Israel or Palestinian Territories in the near future, please be advised of the following.
Our underwriter, United States Fire Insurance Company, has classified the events that occurred in Israel in October, 2023 as a “Terrorist Incident.” This means all claims related to applicable policies containing the “Terrorist Incident” covered reason will be adjudicated on this basis and according to the terms and conditions of the policy.
Any member who purchased their insurance coverage on or before October 6th, 2023 and have itineraries involving Israel may be eligible for applicable benefits. Some travel protection plans offer coverage for Trip Cancellation or Trip Interruption for a Terrorist Incident that occurs within a city listed on the policyholder’s travel itinerary and within 30 days of the policyholder’s scheduled departure date. Please refer to your plan documents as eligibility for coverage varies based on the plan terms, conditions and limitations, and may vary by state or may not be available in all states.
As of October 7th, 2023 Sitata is no longer able to provide insurance coverage for Israel or the Palestinian Territories. Our assistance-only plans, which include medical and security assistance and evacuation, are still available for purchase. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any additional questions.
Our sympathies are with those whose lives have been affected by this incident.