Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza – H5N1

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza – H5N1

There is a strain of the influenza virus called H5N1 that is highly lethal for wild birds anddomestic fowl (chickens, ducks, etc.). It has caused major outbreaks in domestic chicken flocksduring recent decades. On rare occasions, this virus has infected humans who...
Zero COVID Strategy- Was it Worth it?

Zero COVID Strategy- Was it Worth it?

During the COVID-19 pandemic, China conducted a massive experiment to see if it were possible to contain transmission of this virus within the country and keep it from getting into the country by travellers from abroad. As events unfolded, the approach became known as...
La variole du singe – faut-il paniquer ?

Monkeypox – should we panic?

A small outbreak of monkeypox has recently occurred and with world’s experience from COVID-19, the world is understandably anxious. Indeed, even the US quickly ordered 13 million vaccine doses in response. Now many travellers are left wondering: what is...