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Dengue fever in Brazil - weekly summary

People infected with dengue fever are being reported from the following states and municipalities in Brazil:

  • Brazil (national) - 20 states and the Federal Dsitrict (Brasilia) reporting more than 500,000 cases
  • Santa Catarina - Joinville
  • Bahia - Vitória da Conquista (2,200 cases)
  • Minas Gerais - reporting 32% of all cases in Brazil (319,000 infected people)
  • Acre
  • Tocantins
  • Rio Grande do Norte - 81 people have died due to dengue
  • Pernambuco
  • Espírito Santo
  • Mato Grosso do Sul - almost all municipalities affected, especially Dourados and Campo Grande
  • Mato Grosso - 170% increase in reported cases; Juiz de Fora (9 deaths)
  • Goiás
  • Rio de Janeiro
  • Paraná - 52 affected municipalities including Antonina, Matelândia, Missal, Pérola, Iguaraçu, Paiçandu, Florestópolis e Sertanópolis.
  • São Paulo - Birigui
  • Paraíba - major increase in cases (350%)


The absence of reports does not mean that there is no dengue fever transmission in other states. The risk of exposure will vary from place to place and may be high in many localities.

All travellers to areas where the dengue fever virus is active can reduce their risk of exposure by taking all necessary precautions to avoid mosquito bites. Many persons with dengue fever do not seek medical care and are not reported to health authorities. There may be many more cases in the community than the reports indicate.

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